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Exhibition - May 2019

How We Express Ourselves

Students chose and created their own central idea and lines of inquiry based on a topic they were passionate about.  Students were asked to think of a problem facing our world and try to come up with some possible solutions!


Some of our topics included:

The Great Garbage Patch, Types of Government and the effect on the citizens, Ocean Pollution, Lung Cancer, Minority Rights, Endangered Animals, Deforestation, Oil in our Waters, Dog Rights, and Ongoing Conflicts Facing Africa

[Remember: Our global citizens CHOSE these topics as ones they were passionate about and wanted to take action in.  Never have I been more proud of this group for the high level thinking and passion they showed.]

Exhibition - May 2018

Sharing the Planet


Central Idea: Living things learn to adapt to changes presented in their environment

Students will explore rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and other living things.

Topics Included: 

Solar Energy, Hydroelectric Energy, Thermal Energy

This was Kramer Elementary's FIRST EVER Exhibition since becoming IB so we structured it for the kids by providing them the central idea and lines of inquiry for them to explore.  They chose their energy type and were grouped from there.  After reflecting on the process with the students, they expressed that they would have preferred more choice and autonomy in the decision making and wanted to chose their own topics.  We took their feedback and are making changes for next year's Exhibition!  Who knew the students would want to do even more?!?!  So proud.

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